Running Assessment

Tired of tossing months of running preparation down the drain? Look no further. Having a physiotherapist specialized in running will help you reach the starting line properly prepared and ready to crush all of your running goals. 

Running Gait Assessment

Why have a specialized assessment for runners? 

Despite comprehensive assessments and professional care, some runners face persistent injuries that impact their training and overall mood. No runner wishes to be instructed to cease running during their rehabilitation, and truth be told, the last thing we want is to eliminate running from your life. Therefore, unless absolutely necessary (sorry, sometimes we have no choice...), running will be a crucial component of your rehabilitation journey.

Gait analysis will be utilized, if deemed appropriate, to help us gain a better understanding of your stride and guide our treatment. Sometimes, the corrections are straightforward yet challenging to identify. Trust us, we've got your back.

What to expect from your running assessment?

In this one-on-one assessment, we will thoroughly examine your running history, strength, training, mobility, footwear, and running gait. We will use video recordings to identify specific biomechanical patterns and guide appropriate corrections. Please bring all the shoes you run with and your favorite running outfit; we'll take care of the rest.

Is this for me?

If you are a runner and want to better understand your running stride, then yes. If you are injured or often face setbacks in your training, then yes. If you wish to have extra tools to guide your training, then yes. There is no need to be a running pro to take the first step in bringing awareness to your gait. Considering most runners oscillate between 140-190 steps per minute, the smallest issue can become a bigger one if we do not address it. Book your session today and let's get you running.


Now Using RunScribe

RunScribe is a tool we use at Endura Physio to truly understand your gait. By using a pod on both feet and one on your sacrum, RunScribe provides a truly comprehensive overview of your gait in real time. With metrics for every strike, we can make real time changes and see real time results. No more guessing, we quantify landing force, landing pattern, braking forces, vertical oscillation and so much more.