Temporomandibular Joint - TMJ

Are you noticing pain around your jaw when you eat, talk or open your mouth? Waking up in the morning with soreness in and around the jaw? This service is for you. Our team is well equipped to asses and treat you jaw pain and improve its overall function.

What is the TMJ

Simply, the temporomandibular joints, TMJ, are your jaw joints. They connect your skull to the lower part of your jaw, the mandible. You have two TMJ joints, one on the right and one on the left. Together, they rotate and slide, allowing you to speak, chew and express yourself. Unfortunately, they are at risk of injury just like any other joints and can have complex repercussions on your day to day life especially with eating and sleeping comfort.

What to expect from your TMJ assessment?

In this one-on-one assessment, we will thoroughly examine your posture, mouth opening and closure, breathing pattern, head/back mobility and overall muscle tensions. In some case, your jaw could feel like it’s grinding, noisy or even clicking and we will help you find out why. Given that many muscles that move your jaw are primarily accessible via the mouth, expect to have your physio assessing these with gloves inside your mouth. Just like any other rehab, expect to have a home exercise program in between treatment sessions.

If you wear a mouthpiece , please bring it with you to your first appointment.

Is this for me?

If your jaw or nearby areas hurt, there is a good chance your TMJ will be involved . In some cases, your onset could be gradual or sudden. For example, it can be common to have tightness or “locking” after dental procedures. A rapid aseessment and treatment can go a long way in restoring your mobility and comfort.

Still not sure? Give us a call with any and all questions or send us an email today.